
Digital Skills Revolution for African Youths will Boost Entrepreneurship

Digital Skills Revolution for African Youths will Boost Entrepreneurship

Unemployment among the youths poses serious economic threat across Africa. Recently, African stakeholders met in Tunisia to discuss the way forward. The participants were the government officials, research institutions, youth organizations and development agencies. The forum aimed to deliberate ways of upgrading skills and job creation. The theme of the two days forum was ‘Digital Skills Forum for African Youth’. The members discussed ways of equipping the African youths with relevant technological skills. The initiative will allow the young population to tap job opportunities. It will also enable the youths to obtain entrepreneurship skills.

According to Dr. Inge Baumgarten, the continent is the youngest populated continent in the World. A large number of youths is a beneficial and also a big disaster in Africa. He added that if the youths can acquire relevant job skills, they make the continent to be prosperous. In the 21st century, innovation and entrepreneurship are the key economic drivers. He added that African nations need to invest more in the youth’s programs. He emphasized that entrepreneurship is the only way to ensure productive continent in the future.

Mr. Nicholas Ouma recommended the efforts established to address the matter. He gave an example with the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25). He also mentioned the technical and vocational education and training [TVET]. He added that the two strategies allow the youths to get access to job opportunities. Additionally, the initiatives will enable the youths to solve pertinent problems facing the continent. He pointed out that over sixty percent of youths in the continent are jobless. Furthermore, Africa is the second populated continent globally. He encouraged the leaders to solve the challenge in a very systematic manner.

Dr. Ahmed Elgeushey admonished the African leaders to consider youths with the disability. He mentioned the gap between supply and demand for labor force across the continent. He urged the Africa nations to implement the (TVET) programs.

Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, the CEO (NEPAD) argued that the youths play significant roles in most societies. They act as the chief drivers of economic growth and development in Africa. He admonished the African nations to provide the necessary expertise to the youths. He noted that many institutions are willing to support Africa in this agenda. They included the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Others were the NEPAD Agency, AUC and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). They launched the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) to support learning programs.

What do you think?

Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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