
World’s First Ever Election using Iris Identification Technology – Somaliland nails it

The Republic of Somaliland hits the news heading for successfully deploying the most sophisticated voter registration system, first in the entire world – the iris voter identification system. Yes, iris. Being recognised, not by fingerprints or face but your eye’s iris. Fascinating, right?
How it worked.
Upon settling on the technology, procurements of portable registration kits are done. The kit set has a laptop, webcam to take facial photos, a flash, tripod and an iris scanner (handheld). Somaliland through its National Elections Commission (NEC) in the just-concluded elections in November last year procured 350 of these kits. They were then distributed to remote registration centres all over the country and used in registering voters with one’s iris as identification. Once identification was approved, temporary certificates were issued to the citizens awaiting issuance of national voter’s cards.

Better than fingerprints

In a test for technology recommended by an international observers’ team, 1062 registrations done through fingerprints acted as sample/ basis for verification of accuracy. The iris technology was able to detect 457 duplicate registrations in the 1,062. This resonated with experts’ report of 30,000 identified duplicates in the countrywide registration exercise. Iris scans gave high-quality biometric data that upon comparison enabled cleaning of the voter registers and de-duplication.

Besides accuracy is matters speed. Iris registration beats fingerprint registration by half the time has in two citizens would be registered at the same time as one by fingerprints. This is affirmed by NEC consultant and internationally-renown elections specialist, Roy Dalle Vedove.

Somaliland, a name that leaves many with a bewildered face upon mention and more so when made aware that it is autonomous of Somali, crippled by civil war. On the contrary, Somaliland has been a peaceful, stable and independent for 25 years now in Northern of Somalia. Having employed the first ever iris ID tech voter registration exercise, this is going to tell its story – it is rising to fame.
The elections were the most credible in Somaliland’s history as certified by a team of 60 observers representing 27 countries of the world. This world’s first kind of elections saw 80% of the registered voters turning out to exercise their democratic right. The iris technology accurately registered voters and removed duplicates from the rolls.

Iris ID tech firm delivered and their milestone in Somaliland tells it all for other countries to adopt.
If you think your country needs a transparent election, be the agent of change. This article is worth sharing widely. One or two policymakers will read and give it serious thought that would prompt action. Thank me later!

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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