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3 edtech startups receive investment from EdVentures and ASRT

The companies are OBM Education, Super Fny, and Crafty Workshop

edventures vc

EdVentures and The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology have invested an undisclosed amount in three Egypt edtech startups. The companies are OBM Education, Super Fny, and Crafty Workshop. 

Omar El-barbary founded OBM Foundation in 2013 and offers career development navigation tools for both high school and university students. Super Fny, an online tutoring platform, helps students enrolled in vocational schools foster their technical skills while improving their employability. Crafty Workshop has several online technical and pedagogical workshops and courses targeted at artisans and craftspeople.

EdVentures is the country’s first corporate venture capital (VC) fund fixated on edtechs and has been investing locally in startups since 2017.

Source: Wamda

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