
A $50,000 Startup Program to Take Place in Kenya

pangea frim, @iLab, @iLabAfrica

Pangea is an international startup platform based in Germany. The platform collaborated with @iLabAfrica to pilot a $50,000 accelerator program.  @iLabAfrica is the brainchild of Strathmore University. The piloting of the program will take place in Kenya. @iLab is a Center of Excellence in ICT innovation and Development. The ICT Centre is based at Strathmore University in Kenya. @iLab helps in the development of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and to contribute towards Kenya’s vision 2030. The research center majors in interdisciplinary research, and students’ engagement. Besides, that is the collaboration with government, industry and other funding agencies.

The applications for the Pangea accelerator were ongoing until 15th February 2018. A total of 40 startups were selected to take part in the three months milestone program. Coaching of the startups by experts and international investors will take place. The program will come to an end in April 2018. In the conclusion day, there will be demonstrations from various startups. A total of ten startups will receive initial funding of $50,000 each.

Pangea’s crowd investment platform will be launched in June 2018. Pangea’s accelerator program will help startups to enjoy more funding. This will be after the launch in June 2018. Pangea pushes for smart money investment. Smart money investment involves pairing startups with investors who can provide funding. The investors can also have the experience and expertise to place the startups in a new market. Pangea helps startups to expand in whichever country they wish. Many African startups are encouraged to take the opportunity. All they need is an application, and the rest will follow.

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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