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SA online marketplace connecting retail landlords to tenants


SpaceMatch, a South Africa commercial trade property listing startup has introduced an online marketplace allowing shopping center landlords to list their vacant properties for all prospective tenants to view or secure for rental. Other services offered on the platform are event and exhibition space.

SpaceMatch is dubbed as the ‘Airbnb for retail space’ that allows landlords to list all their property sites free of charge. Potential tenants can register on the site and submit applications for their most preferred rent retail shops.

Users of web-based portals start by listing their vacant spaces away from malls, shopping centers, and property owners based in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, and Western Cape. Property giants listed on the platform are Growthpoint, Flanagan & Gerard, Redefine, Atterbury, Attacq, and Eris.

Kevin Singer, SpaceMatch’s CEO describes it as a matchmaking service suited for landlords.

The portal is part of its global response to Covid-19 lockdowns that has impacted the buying behaviors of customers and the selling strategies of retailers. SpaceMatch talks of disrupting traditional models with an instant online model that supports all entrepreneurs both small-scale and artisans and the big brands.

Source: ITWeb

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