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Ackermans to offer South African customers buying options with new online store


Ackermans will offer a new range of smartphones on its new online store. This ranges from online cellular ad tech products on its online store. 800 brick and mortar stores across South Africa have resulted in digital products that have arisen from consumer needs. During the March 2020 lockdown our customers were unable to access the stores.

Annually,over 2.5 million handsets are sold across South Africa, becoming an integral part of their sales since 1998. Customers are now in a position to buy a wide range of cellular products as well as other high end gadgets previouslyonly available at the Gauteng Ackermans Connect stores.

Cellphones will start from R159 and include a wide range of new cellular and tech products, Other products on retail are laptops, routers, phones, decoders, tablets, earbuds, storage, and other accessories.

According to the website, delivery fees average at R99 on orders below R500. There is no charge at all for deliveries above R500. You can check out the new Ackermans store at

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