
African Top Five Tech Innovations

Africa has always been on the wrong side of history if technological innovations are anything to go by. Starting from discontent, innovation to poor in fractures people rarely find something to smile about when it comes to Africa. But currently, in the 21st century, Africa in climbing a different ladder and they are trying to improve people’s lives through great innovations. Here are some of the awesome tech innovations that took place in Africa.

3D printing Woelabs

Woelabs was invented by Lalle Nadjagou from Dapaong in northern Congo. The 3D printer was made from e-waste, and the technology has started printing in the local school which is 1km away from the workshop. The invention has not only given the continent a new face on how to deal with e-waste and recycling but also design technology.

Biomedical jacket

Invented in Uganda by a university graduate and inventor Brian Turyabagye, the jacket is in a position to diagnose pneumonia faster than a doctor. The jacket was named ‘Mamaope’ in reference to about the 27, 000 children who died of the disease in Uganda annually.  The jacket is made with a mobile phone application with Bluetooth in it that carries out the diagnosis four times more accurately than the doctor. The jacket analyses the chest and sends results to a smartphone through Bluetooth.

The largest telescope in South Africa

The South African Large Telescope (SALT) is the largest single optical telescope in Africa and one of the best in world. Dubbed The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project, it will be in a position to cover a square kilometer collecting area to be in a position to explore the universe.

Agriculture drones

The African future of farming might comprise of artificial intelligence. The software Company, Aerobics has developed a mixture of satellite, drone and artificial intelligence technology in helping farmers. It gives farmers accurate data analysis of their crops performance in various seasons and highlights areas with problems.

Robots in Kinshasa

Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo is also affected by the problem of congestions just like many cities in the world. The congestion problem has led to a group of Congolese engineers at Kinshasa Higher Institute of Applied Technique to create human-like robots that can detect and record traffic flow. The information is then sent to institution analyzed then used to improve traffic.



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Written by Kevin Nyango

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