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Africa’s Business Heroes (ABH) prize competition unveils the Top 20 for 2021


Africa’s Business Heroes (ABH) is a flagship prize competition run by the Jack Ma Foundation and has announced top 20 semi-finalists for its 2021 cohort. The final 10 heroes will have a chance to pitch at the grand finale where there is a $1.5 million prize pool. The final 20 heroes will proceed to the semi-finals for a chance to compete as one of the top 10 heroes. The final 20 participants span from 11 African countries across a wide array of business sectors.

Of the top 20 shortlisted candidates, 45% are female and the average group age is 34. The startups are drawn from key economic areas such as education, media, beauty, agriculture, healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, entertainment, logistics, retail, and manufacturing. Countries represented from West Africa are Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, and Coted’Iviore From East Africa is Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda, while Southern Africa is Botswana and South Africa. Egypt is the only North African country on the list.

The top 20 have overcome an application pool of over 20,000 an indication of a promising set of entrepreneurs for the final pitch session.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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