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Apollo Support Kenyan Farmers with $1m funding

source: Apollo (LinkeIn)

TechInAfrica – Led by Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund, the Kenya-based agritech startup is supporting small-scale farmers with its $1m in debt financing.

Eli Pollak, one of the founders, said that the funding would help Apollo to continue to support small-scale farmers and enable them to access its services, as quoted from Tech Point Africa.

The company has been providing Kenyan farmers with financing, farming inputs, advice, and insurance and build their system with machine learning as well as automated operations.

The offered credit to the farmers will be in form of seeds and fertilizer which is to be repaid in cash after the harvest of the crops.

With a growing 60,000 bases as claimed by the company, it will also launch new crops aside from Maize and new products for the farmers.

Source: Techpoint.Africa

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Written by Nabilah Safira

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