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App developers can win cash prizes with Huawei #HDC2020


Huawei aims to cultivate the latest technologies for app developers with the intent to support them in delivering a smooth in-App experience. Through the HUAWEI AppGallery, the company has developed 50 kits alongside hundreds of capabilities for developers. Huawei is currently working with 1.3 million partners and developers internationally. The app currently runs two competitions which will run till 30 November.

Participation in the competition requires the developer to register on HUAWEI AppGallery’s Huawei’s app store. On completing your sign up you get the Huawei Cloud Voucher worth $200 for individual developers and $600 for enterprise developers.

Once you upload your app APK to Huawei’s app store then hit publish, you automatically receive $4000 worth in Huawei Cloud vouchers. The voucher helps the developer access cloud storage space, vital for the development of the apps.

In a separate competition, Huawei is rewarding developers for integrating their HMS Core and HMS capabilities into their apps. The first prize is a R120,000 cash prize while second and third placed winners each bag R60,000.


As per the competition’s rules, the winner will be picked based on: The popularity of the app (30%) (over 10,000 downloads and above), HMS Core integration (50%) (10% integration for each HMS kit), and 20% for HMS Special Kit integration.

Award categories

The first placed winner will walk away with the R120,000 cash prize Platinum Award. Second and third place get the Golden Award of R60,000. The rest of the top 10 walks away with an R50,000 Silver Award cash prize each. The eleventh place to twenty receives a Bronze Award of R30,000 each.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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