
Why You Should Apply for Second Startupbootcamp Cape Town Program

Startupbootcamp Cape Town,

Did you know that the official application opening for the second Startupbootcamp Cape Town program will be held on February 21, 2018? This will also mark the second accelerator event being held in Africa. The major goal is geared to embark on fast-tracking and eliciting of the top most-tie tech startups globally.

Startupbootcamp is currently sourcing for the second cohort of startups to host fast tract worldwide tour constituting of 19 events globally.

Africa continent first Startupbootcamp accelerator held in 2017 ended with signing 32 corporate agreements for both pilot and concepts proof.

The mandate of FastTracks is to provide the Startupbootcamp sponsors, team, and mentors.

Additionally, the top ten startups applicants will obtain immediate feedback and a chance to socialize with the investment team.

Furthermore, the ultimate top ten startups joining the three months events are those invited for the final selection days.

The key financiers of 2018 Startupbootcamp include RCS and BNP Paribas Personal Finance.

According to RCS chief executive officer (CEO), Regan Adams, there was an improvement in performance of startups in 2017. Therefore, the company will focus on customer engagement, customer centricity and digital transformation in 2018.

Chief investment officer Zachariah George emphasized non-successful startups will benefit from various mentoring and training programs by FastTrack.

Philip Kiracofe commented on the 32 agreements cohorts signed in the previous event terming it as top performance.  He indicated that mature international markets US and Europe usually take three years to realize the same rapid growth. The company is thus fueling, finding and creating business solutions in a unique way in the world.

Startups are currently invited to apply for FastTrack programs here.

What do you think?

Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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