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Bextmachine: Coffee Payment Bills Digitalized

TechInAfrica – Most of the coffee farmers and producers will be happier than ever after an invention of new technology on the payments. There have been many frauds making the coffee farmers lose much money from dishonest customers. A machine called Bextmachine has been launched by Bext360 Company to help the farmers in sorting the payment mess. The startup company announced two test programs that will place the machine in the field to lead to what the company has described as the world’s safest mode of payment.

According to the company’s CEO Daniel Jones, the machine will be operating by the company’s marketing materials. The device will be situated at the market where coffee selling is done either in cherry, green form or parchment. Bextmachine operates on some sensors and intelligent that helps it in determining mathematical concept related not only to the volume but the quality of the coffee type passing through the machine. Buyers are then given an opportunity to state the price of a given volume which the producer has a chance to accept or reject the offer; after that the payment is made digitally.

The blockchain technology was initially set for Bitcoin usage; it acts as a financial ledger which is located on some servers making it hard to be tampered with by anyone. The idea of the Bext360 machine was invented by Jones that used to work in exporting minerals in the democratic republic of Congo, where the security facilitated substantial cash transactions which led to massive losses. Jones never wanted the coffee workers to undergo the same fate. Jones believed that the technology helps the producers with a surety of payment.

The first test program of the company joins Great Lakes Coffee and Coda Coffee companies based in Kampala Uganda. Famers will be taking their coffee cherries for analysis at the Great Lakes washing stations where volume and quality will be measured before allowing them to accept the digital payment. The machine will then link the cherries to Crepto Tokens to track them until they reach the roasting bay.

The second test will involve the company with Moyer Coffee an Amsterdam and Addis Ababa company which is known for the production of the finest coffee brand. It will be a four-month program, during which the coffee farmers from Ethiopia will have a chance to test the accuracy of the machine.

What do you think?

Written by Kevin Nyango

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