
A Book with stories of 20 African Women Entrepreneurs Finally Launched

Eunice Baguma Ball, ATBN,

The technology space has been flooded by men in the past. But there are women who are going against all odds to venture into the technological space. Founding Women book gives encouraging stories of 20 African women entrepreneurs in technology. The book was published by the Africa Technology Business Network (ATBN). This is a social company based in the UK. The company works to build up a viable African development. It does that via technology enterprise and innovation.  Eunice Baguma Ball is the founder of ATBN. She is a Ugandan social entrepreneur and technology advocate based in the UK.

The launch of the book came at the right time when the world was marking International Women’s Day. People must accept the fact that technological grounds do not favor all African women. Moreover, it has few African women making the ones who are there less recognized. The book is meant to encourage the African women that technology is all meant for them. Furthermore, it encourages them that joining technology entrepreneurship is at their own disposal. Moreover, the book targets a broad audience. This is due to the fact that everyone can learn from the highlighted women stories. The book can encourage everyone to go for their goals by not surrendering.

The book is full of practical advice and encouraging words. The book addresses any girl who has a dream of joining technology space but fears that the demands might be too high on her. All the money collected from the sale will be channeled to ATBN’s training and mentorship program for young female entrepreneurs in Africa.

Many countries worldwide are still fighting against inequality especially in fields where male are the dominants. This is according to the #MeToo movement. Venture capitalists invested $85 billion in Africa in 2017 and women only got 2%. Furthermore, black female entrepreneurs received less than 1%. The African entrepreneurs go through many challenges and some of them are highlighted in the book. Moreover, it highlights African women’s strengths and devotion to their goals.

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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