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Chinese Organization facilitates Investment with New Africa Office Opened in Ethiopia

TechInAfrica – Shenzhen, China’s tech hub city has made a significant move to strengthen its economic ties with Ethiopia. The consolidation of the partnership was made possible with the opening of its Shenzhen Outbound Alliance branch office in Addis Ababa Ethiopia’s capital.

Shenzhen Outbound Alliance (SAO) is one of the non-governmental organizations formed in the region. It is established to assist companies in Shenzhen to engage in outbound investments as well as cooperation.

The Secretary and vice chairman of SAO, Sun Tianlu who spoke at the office inaugural event said the fact that the cumulative economic output of the city is projected to hit over 2 trillion yuan – $302 billion in 2017  is a reason other regions should benefit from its success. He stated that the city was able to achieve such huge success owing to the tech products and services produced in the area.

Shenzhen is nicknamed china’s Silicon Valley because of the large concentration high-tech companies in the region. It serves as home to most of the world-recognized tech companies such as ZTE, Huawei, and Shenzhen Energy Group.

According to the Ethio-ICT Industrial Park’s Director General, Berhane Keleta, Ethiopia is one of the African countries already benefiting from IT services from China-based companies like ZTE and Huawei. He stated the need for more local investors to form a strong partnership with Chinese based companies.

The Ethiopia Government is among the few African countries that have made ICT development one of its top priorities. Presently, ICT in the country is at an early growth stage.

The Ethiopian government is keen on making Ethiopian the technology hub in Africa. The government has initiated this movement by building an ICT park in the country’s capital Addis Ababa. The project is valued to cost 250 million United States dollars and would boost IT services in the region. And with this and other IT projects on the way, the country aims to become one of the premier IT hubs in the Africa continent.

According to Ethiopia Investment Commission’s Investment Attraction Advisor, Sehul Tirusew, creating a strong business partnership with international or foreign partners is very critical. Sehul also hinted on the commission’s commitment to making sure that Chinese investments thrive and record tremendous success in Ethiopia. He also mentioned the commission’s readiness to do everything within their powers to provide the needed assistance for foreign investors to thrive.

Sehul Tirusew also said that being that Ethiopia is one of the African countries with great demographic advantage, companies that want to engage large labor force will benefit greatly. According to him, Ethiopia has over 54 million people who are considered to be among the active workforce.

What do you think?

Written by Kevin Nyango

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