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Cisco Webex, a Technology-Driven Alternative to Fuel Price Hike in South Africa

TechInAfrica – South Africa is currently facing the rise of fuel price with the high of R17 per liter. Due to the constant price hike, Cisco offers technology as an alternative solution to cut off the financial issue of travel cost.  As the fuel cost constantly increasing in the region, resulting in the ripple impact on the price of food, electricity, and many more. While most people tend to minimize the use of the car aircon, Cisco offers a better and modern solution.

The Sub-Saharan General Manager of Cisco, Clayton Naidoo says, “Most travels involve driving to and from workplaces every day. While many jobs still require a physical presence, at Cisco we believe we need to think about the way work has evolved, especially when it comes to knowledge workers. Chances are it’s no longer a 9 to 5 job and it does not need to take place in the office. In today’s digital world, it’s all about productive teamwork, anytime, anywhere,”

He also adds, “This is why technology can help address the rising fuel costs in South Africa. It is worthwhile for local businesses to explore this global trend and invest in digital tools that allow meetings to take place virtually. There are tools that offer full office capabilities and team collaboration without employees having to get into their vehicles.”

As most of the workforce in South Africa nowadays have implemented a method called ‘work from anywhere’, it benefits them from additional costs like rent, electricity, office maintenance, parking, telephone usage, and travel allowance.

Cisco Webex
Cisco Webex via

Cisco presents an application called Cisco Webex as a solution for business players to communicate with teammates through its video room device on mobile phone devices. The platform also offers Webex Teams as an alternative for replacing the face-to-face meetings with collaboration within the teams driven by ‘context-aware technologies’. Seeing from what it can offer, this modern method is indeed an alternative offer to the rise of fuel cost in the region. Even more, reduce the costs mentioned earlier.

“Individuals and businesses can accomplish more and serve customers better while spending less on travel. Using Webex saves time and money and it reduces carbon emissions,” Naidoo remarks.

Cisco Webex will help enhance business outcomes and increase employee satisfaction using a single application while keeping all your important information safe with advanced security,” Naidoo concludes.

What do you think?

Written by Rinchi

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