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Corruption reporting app launched in South Africa

Veza corruption tool

A new interactive online open data tool has been launched by Corruption Watch allowing Citizens to rate police stations and report any public incidences of corruption within the South African Police Service (SAPS). ‘Veza’ is a local word meaning ‘to reveal’ or ‘to expose.’ What mostly stands out for this tool is its capability to equip journalists, researchers, activists, and community members with the right knowledge and insights for achieving a better accounting policy.

Veza also features interactive maps of trends in police corruption such as the hotspots and other information regarding public rights. It will collect data on 1150 police stations countrywide including the resources, locations, budgets, and personnel.

The new tool was launched by NGOs who were responding to whistleblower complaints received from citizens reporting police corruption. This issue was also brought about by community engagement with communities that are worst exposed to abuse and police violence. As a public platform, CW helps local citizens report their experiences and knowledge on corruption.

Google Impact Challenge

Veza tool emerged winner of four winners at the 2018 Google’s Impact Challenge, encouraging local innovators to solve a social problem through the use of technology. Data on the Veza app was acquired through the  SAPS after several applications were submitted under the Promotion of Access to Information Act.

The programme asks startups and local innovators how they can transform their communities now and beyond. A local panel of judges and a panel then decide on the best way to vote for those ideas that show a strong chance of success. The top four winners bagged $250,000 in funding.

You can find more on the Open Data

Original article at ITWeb

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