
Data-Saving App Launched In South Africa

Many data users will always complain on the rate at which their data is consumed. The majority will go ahead and call data selling companies for rectifications on their networks, yet that is not the problem behind their high rate of data consumption. Data users in South Africa should have something to smile about.

Google has invented an android app that will help smartphone users understand, control and save mobile data. Datally is able to operate on all smartphones that can run Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher, is presently available on the Google Play Store worldwide the company reported on 28th November 2017.

The app is aimed at settling the problem of people being pressed by the cost and availability of data. Managing and controlling data can be tough and where data goes can be a question that lacks an answer. According to research carried out by Google, users in developing countries don’t use data too much as compared to users in developed countries.

Dailly aims at making sure that users are connected every day by increasing transparency on the usage of data allowing more control over their data usage to get the most out of their data plan and locating the best free WIFi. The app will be in a position to show users the application that consumes more data in their smartphones and recommend ways of cutting down on mobile data usage based on the user’s routines.

The app also gives an option to stop all mobile data usage for every application that is not in the active window. Dailly gives users an opportunity to block specific applications from using mobile data and can show real-time usage of data when an application is running.



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Written by Kevin Nyango

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