
Engen Offers Learnership Programs to Overcome Unemployment in South Africa

TechInAfrica – The unemployment rate in South Africa is about 27%, but at the same time the region has a lack of qualified people. Due to this social and economic issue, Engen offers learnership programs in technical fields in order to educate and upskill school droppers and unemployed youth.

Engen is an energy company based in Africa which sets focus on the refining and marketing petroleum products and provision of convenience services by providing an extensive network of service stations in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands.

To recruit its candidates for learnership programs, Engen has currently run some campaigns that focus on business and industry needs. Engen also has trained at least more than 500 artisans and professional drivers to trade in a various type of businesses.

The learnership programs are aligned with the company’s business needs where the selected candidates who have finished their learnership programs are recruited by the company or in the wider petroleum industry.

“Through this method, the learnership programs are making a good contribution to solving the lack of skills in the industry,” Mmalenyalo Galane, Skills Development Facilitator of Engen says. He continued, “Through physical performing tasks in the workplace that is taught and learned in the classroom, they can put theories into real actions from what they have learned as well as things they did not understand. This method enables them to ask the trainer what lesson they do not understand and will learn until they fully understand it.”

Engen via

Moreover, Galane also says that the learnership programs that are offered by Engen directly linked to an occupation as well as form a nationally recognized qualification.

The learnership programs offered by Engen includes Chemical Operations, Professional Driving, and Production Technology. Furthermore, it also includes various trade occupation apprenticeships like diesel mechanic, fitter, and turner, as well as instruments and electrical. The learnership programs last for 12 months and pay its selected candidates with a monthly wage.


For those who are interested in joining learnership programs by Engen, they can email their CV to [email protected]. To know more about available learnership opportunities in the company, they can visit

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Written by Rinchi

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