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The Future of Zimbabwe’s Technology

TechInAfrica – Just a few days, we witnessed a mass celebration in Harare after Robert Mugabe resigned. He had ruled Zimbabwe for 37 years and the time was ripe for him to be removed from the office by force. Shortly after that, it was followed by the reign of Emmerson Mnangagwa who has been his deputy until his removal from office. The expectations of citizens are many, and in all sectors, they want to see changes. The tech gurus must obviously question the future of the country with respect to the technological changes that have not been integrated into the government.

ITWeb Africa interviewed the former minister during the days of Unity government after the 2009 elections, Nelson Chamisa who served for four years. According to Chamisa, there’s need for change in the present framework, so it will be tricky to experience technological changes despite the change in the presidency. The former minister couldn’t assure ITWeb Africa of any changes unless he sees the policies that Emmerson Mnangagwa would draft for the nation.  He was less optimistic that the new leadership would make radical prospects in the ICT sector. Chamisa also emphasized during the phone interview that unless there’s convergence in the ICT sector, achieving a milestone won’t be easy. He criticized the separate operation of regulatory organizations such as Posts and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe, Transmedia and Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe. According to him, these bodies should be unified and operating under one umbrella.

Chamisa further stated that there’s unfair competition experienced among ICT companies such as TelOne, NetOne, and Telecel as this wastes resources which could be channeled for other uses.

ITWeb Africa again interviewed Chris Musodza, an ICT expert based in Harare expects that the new government would abolish the position of Cyber Security Minister. According to him, the position is unnecessary, but he adds that with the reign of Mnangagwa, he expects the bills on computer crimes softened since these have raised worries among ICT shareholders and experts.

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Written by Kevin Nyango

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