TechInAfrica – Data Science Summit 2019 or the IndabaX Ghana will take place in Accra, Ghana starting from April 25 – April 27 at the Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT Centre. The Summit will go with the theme: The Promise of Data Science for Economic Transformation and is organized by Wave-2 Analytics.
Wave-2 Analytics is a Ghanaian analytics startup and will organize the summit in collaboration with Deep Learning Indaba which also is supported by Microsoft and Google. Besides the two entities, the Summit is also supported by other organizations, including Python Ghana, BACE Group, and the Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science University of Ghana.
This year’s IndabaX Ghana aims at increasing the awareness and capacity building in data science and analytics in the country, including data mining, machine learning, as well as artificial intelligence (AI).

The Summit will feature a series of lectures, a panel of discussions, as well as training/tutorials sessions. Day 1’s agenda will be the lectures on Data Management and Business Analytics; Day 2’s agenda: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; and Day 3: hands-on tutorials about what has been discussed on Day 1 and Day 2.
The confirmed keynote speakers at the Summit are:
- Delali Agbenyegah, Director, Data Science and Analytics, Express, Columbus OH, USA.
- Darlington Akogo, Founder and Director of Artificial Intelligence, MinoHealth AI Labs, Ghana.
- Danielle Belgrave, Ph.D., Microsoft Research, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Moustapha Cisse, Ph.D., Head of Google AI Center, Accra, Ghana.
- Ayorkor Korsah, Ph.D., Head of Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University, Ghana.
IndabaX Ghana is open to anyone who is interested in learning and applying data science professionally, including students, researchers, industry leaders, and practitioners.