
Google Translate Expands to Include 110 Additional Languages


Have you ever found yourself in a community or country where you couldn’t understand a single word? Or tried to figure out a menu in a foreign restaurant only to end up with a mystery dish? Google’s latest update to Translate might be the perfect solution for global travelers.

With this update, Google Translate now supports an additional 110 languages, bringing the total to an impressive 243. This expansion opens up a world of possibilities, breaking down language barriers like never before.

The driving force behind this is Google’s PaLM 2 AI language model. This advanced technology learns languages that are closely related, making it easier for Google to add new languages. For example, it has enabled the inclusion of languages like Awadhi and Marwadi, which are similar to Hindi, as well as various French creoles such as Seychellois Creole and Mauritian Creole.

This development marks a significant advancement for iOS app developers. The integration of Google Translate’s expanded language support enables your apps to connect with a wider audience. Whether you’re creating a travel app, an international e-commerce platform, or a global communication tool, this expansion unlocks new opportunities to reach users in their native languages.

Google Translate now serves approximately 614 million additional people worldwide, covering about 8% of the global population that speaks the newly added languages. This feature is available on and the Google Translate app for both Android and iOS.

As AI continues to progress, the vision of a world where everyone understands each other is becoming increasingly attainable.



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