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Here are the winners at the NextGen East African Innovator Programme

Four East Africa student teams seek innovative solutions that address food-related challenges


The UN World Food Programme Innovation Hub for Eastern Africa recently partnered with DTU Skylab FoodLab (Technical University of Denmark), the Ministry of Danish Affairs, and the Hult Prize Foundation to launch the 1st East African Innovators Programme.

Here are the winners:

Tripple P 

A social enterprise providing affordable and eco-friendly fertilizer and feeds drawn from soldier fly larvae.

AgriOT (Uganda)

AI-Based greenhouse system that is reliant on IoT technology that can deliver quality products by controlling unpredictable weather patterns while ensuring sufficient and consistent food production.

FaBarley Project (Ethiopia)

Develop wholesome nutritious food products from barley to flava beans to help alleviate improper diet practices and child malnutrition.

Desert fishing project

Solve the malnutrition problem outside Kakuma refugee camp by establishing fishponds that farm catfish and tilapia.

9 teams of student innovators drawn from across Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Sudan of a pool of 156 applicants likely to participate in a virtual Bootcamp that will develop their concepts and take part in a major pitch competition on March 18.

Students will work alongside qualified facilitators and experts while improving their skills in the fields of sustainable business development, value proposition, fine-tuning, and pitching their venture concepts.

Four winning teams were chosen at the pitch event to participate in a part-virtual and part in-person programme with DTU Skylab FoodLab, which is part of Denmark’s innovation hub. The teams drawn are from Uganda, Ethiopia, and two from Kenya. One team comprises refugees based in Kakuma but originated from the DRC and South Sudan.

Follow more updates on @wfp_africa and @wfp_media and @skylab_foodlab

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Written by Tech in Africa

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