TechInAfrica – The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture or best known as IITA GoSeed, has launched an e-commerce website in Nigeria. This is made possible for breeder and foundation seed of the best varieties of vital food crops available. The e-commerce website can be visited at www.iitagoseedcom.
IITA GoSeed is a unit of IITA Business Incubation Platform (BIP) which has the responsibility to promote the early generation seed of improved crop varieties generated by IITA and other international (CGIAR) centers around the world. The crop mainly focuses on varieties such as banana and plantain, cassava, cowpea, maize, rice, soybean, and yam. IITA GoSeed then sells these crops to seed produces in Nigeria as well as Africa at affordable prices.
In running the business, IITA GoSeed works with seed experts, seed producers, seed regulators, and other stakeholders from different value chains. By doing this, it wants to help farmers to transform their productivity, income, and livelihoods.
Furthermore, IITA GoSeed wants to make it possible for farmers to get access to clean and improved varieties of seed in order to achieve high productivity and profitability. Above all, it also wants to create a viable seed ecosystem across Nigeria and Africa.
The e-commerce site is made simple for users who want to purchase seed on the site. Users can access IITA GoSeed’s fields’ locations on the Seed Tracker via the website. Buyers are given the option of pick-up or home delivery.