
Importance of Startup in Hotels

With the current expectations in the increase in the number of hotels worldwide, the collection of revenue is also expected to go high. It now calls for the hotel management to hike their game in the market to realize the expected profits. The manual workforce is not a solution to the problems that tend to come with the increase in the number of customers, but technological innovations are required to make services better.

With the higher number of guests, there is a higher expectation from the hotel guests. Efficiency becomes the key pillar of better services when customers are many. It, therefore, pushes the hotel industry to be more innovative worldwide. By good luck, good number of a startup in the Arab region, Marriott in the Middle East and Africa has launched TestBed which is a high-velocity program which invites startups to test their solutions at a Marriott hotel in the approximately 22 countries from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for ten weeks. The initiative is aimed at making the hotel distribution quicker. Sales and testing processes should take less time to minimize the disruption in hotel sector as faster as possible.

Another main reason why the tech innovation is critical is the reduction the time taken by travelers in selecting, booking and experiencing their accommodation stays. A hotel booking startup called Yamsafer has been invented to help the travelers in sorting out themselves without much strain. Yamsafer has another branch of its products called Yamsafer Home which helps in listing peaceful and private alternative accommodations like villas and apartments for guests that don’t like to be bothered.

There are a variety of opportunities for the tech world, and they need to fill the whole void from getting guests to a given hotels to making their stay a memorable one.  The CEO of Go Ejaza a platform that offers travel package suggested that there is a need of doing away with customers going to the front desk or making phone calls for them to be attended to.  The automated systems that are equipped with sensors have helped hotels in automatically knowing whether the customer took something from the minibar or not without necessarily screening the guest manually. The machine is in the palace of telling if an item got lost within 60seconds then it automatically subtract its price directly from the credit card.

Analysis of data is very crucial in the successful running of a hotel business. Kanari startup is a platform that works with hotels to collect feedback from hotels and business events. Kanari helps the hotel management on knowing their weakness and there after work on them to convince their guests in coming back again. All the startup innovations in hotel management are expected to boost the hotel returns through customer’s satisfaction and minimization of loss.

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Written by Kevin Nyango

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