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Ivory Coast on-Demand Video startup StarNews Mobil registers over 5 million subscribers

Starnews mobile

StarNews Mobile is an Ivory Coast based on video demand startup that connects subscribers with their favorite celebrities. After two years of operation, the startup has exceeded 5 million subscribers. This is through a partnership between Moov and MTV the app before it hit a million subscribers in 2 years of operation.

 StarNews Mobile was launched in 2017 mainly targets consumers with a network in over 50 mobile channels delivering quality celebrity content at low subscription rates. Users can subscribe to their favorite celebrity channels at a daily rate of US$0.10. Once subscribed they get a video link via SMS where they can watch their videos daily. The amount collected from the subscription fees is then split between the operator and the content provider.

The app was launched in Ivory Coast as part of a partnership that included Moov and MTV. The team registered a million subscribers as early as April 2018. It has since expanded into Cameroon, Congo, Nigeria, and South Africa. The founder of StarNews Mobile is Guy Kamgaing.

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