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Jack Dorsey To Close Africa Fintech Summit 2020 As Keynote Speaker


TechInAfrica – This year’s Africa Fintech Summit will be having the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Square, Inc., Jack Dorsey as a closing keynote speaker on November 12.

He’s been deemed a futurist, and has a big influence in the global tech ecosystems, with the company he co-founded having released financial inclusion and business growth-friendly high-end tools and services.

Square recently announced its step as a bitcoin holder on its balance sheet, making it among the first publicly traded USA companies to do so.

According to Dorsey, Africa and bitcoin will reshape the way digital transactions happen globally. He’s seeing an advantage of cryptocurrency thrive into the continent with its unbanked population of 66 percent and the rate of credit card penetration of 1.5 percent on average.

Dorsey will discuss the concept and potential of decentralized finance and how it will drive financial inclusion in the summit. He is continuing from his insights on the African fintech future, especially the cryptocurrency field.

The 5th African fintech summit will be hosted online on 9, 10, and 12 November. Participants can register from its official website and interested startups for exhibition and pitching purposes can head here to submit a form.

The summit will be concluded with the regional final of Pegasus Tech Ventures’ Startup World Cup global pitch competition, with the winning team given the opportunity of competing for US$1M at the global semi-finals in Silicon Valley in May next year.


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Written by Nabilah Safira

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