
Kakuma Refugees Camp in Kenya Finally Gets Solar Power

Kakume Refugees camp, Kakuma, Kenya, Pawame, Solar Power, REFUNITE, Innovate for Refugees Competition, GSMA Mobile World Congress

Many startups have been developed to help communities in solving the local problems. A number of organizations and investors have come to fund such startups for prosperity. Consequently, that has led to many positive things to various African countries. People have secured jobs and economies have improved. Moreover, people’s living standards have gone high.

One of the African startups that are working out to solve the local’s problems is Pawame. Pawame, a Kenyan based startup offers affordable and reliable solar power to the local communities. Pawame collaborated with a non- profit REFUNITE.  The two will give offline, and free Bluetooth enabled mesh communication network at Kakuma. REFUNITE is a startup that unites family members that separated because of conflict.

Pawame got to the semi-final at the Innovate for Refugees Competition. MIT Enterprise Forum organizes and funds the competition. The competition recognized the effort of Pawame in offering clean, affordable and safe energy to the Kakuma residents, in Northwest Kenya. Refugee’s life is the most challenging part of the human life globally more so in Africa. Therefore the work being carried out by Pawame will change the lives of refugees in that area.

The competition brings together best tech innovative solutions that address refugee’s problems. Moreover, it rewards innovative ideas from all over the world. But the ideas should be those that solve life-threatening problems faced by millions of refugees.  The startup is aiming to raise $250,000, improve the lives of more than 5000 people come the end of 2018. It also aims at creating 50 jobs by the end of the same year. All this will come to be after electrification and connectivity in Kakuma. The move will happen via distribution of its solar home system. The whole process will happen within 18 months basics. The customers will then need to pay usage fee at a rate of $0.50 per day. Besides offering power that supports smartphones, people will also enjoy the night lights. Their electric appliances like TV and radio will get reliable power.

The move will greatly benefit Kakuma residents. Pawame will showcase their mobile money transfer solutions at the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress. The congress will be taking place in Barcelona in March 2018.

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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