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Kenya first P2P car-sharing startup Komboa


Komboa has been operating for several months, its novel car-sharing platform. The P2P car rental startup is has received a good reception, as people are keen to try out the new disruptive approach to mobility.

In Kenya, most people go about their business through public means or cabs. Komboa is giving the public an option of slowly transitioning into a sharing economy where renting a car for the long-term is a viable alternative.

According to TechMoran, thus far over 150 car drivers have registered on their platform. The registrations are primarily Nairobi-based given the company’s current area of operation.

As part of their expansion drive, the startup aims to hit 1,000 users before launching to other towns. Just like the other majors, Komboa will take a 20% commission on transactions on transactions within its platform.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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