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Kenya’s Savanna Circuit wins Cisco’s #GlobalProblemSolverChallenge

Savanna Circuit Tech co-founders

Savanna Circuit is the winner of the 2020 Cisco #GlobalProblemSolverChallenge. The competition now marks its fourth successive year of awarding cash prizes to outstanding early-stage startups as it strives to develop a solution that promotes economic development or solves a societal problem.

Savanna Circuit Tech was co-founded by Percy Lemtukei and Emmastella Gakuo who won $100,000. The two founded Savana Tech in 2017 while at the University of Nairobi. They developed a solar chilling in-transit system that would reduce post-harvest losses. The company manufactures and distributes last-mile non-refrigerant, milk chillers powered by solar energy that fit into any means of transportation. Solar panels are mounted atop the means of transportation where temperature sensors regulate the milk for a 36-hour hold-time.

Artificial intelligence is incorporated in their product to ensure milk aggregation, traceability, and quality control while preventing spoilage and maximizing the output for dairy farmers. The software platform is both a web and mobile application with geo-location that helps the dairy farmer map their product. The increased transparency is good for producers and cooperatives.

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