

Launching Of Youtube Go in South Africa

YouTube Go will be launching in South Africa for the first time as stated by Google. It will be the first launch in the whole region. The move is giving the technology world another face within the continent and specifically in South Africa.

The app was first launched in India in early 2017. To view YouTube videos one has to be online with mobile data on a thing that has been so expensive to users given the consumption rate of the mobile data. Many people have not been in a position to access the videos due to the urge of minimizing their data consumption rate.

YouTube Go gives people an opportunity to view YouTube videos without necessarily being online. All that one requires is a smartphone, and they are done. The app will be in a position to give the user video recommendations depending on their preferences.

The application will also give one an opportunity to watch the video even when the network is slow. One can be able to either stream or save video for future viewing hence controlling data. At the same time, people can share the video with others without necessarily being online. The app is currently available only in India and Indonesia, and the users can download it from APKMirror.

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Written by Kevin Nyango

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