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Meet Shoelace, Google’s New Social Media Platform


TechInAfrica – Okay, I know what you’re thinking—well, most of you, that is. Google just doesn’t know when to quit their takes on developing social media platforms. Despite being one of the most influential tech companies in the modern world, the public deemed social media developments just really aren’t their forte. After the launch (and downfalls) of various manifestations like Google Buzz, Google Friend Connect, and Google+, there could be no way that Google would introduce yet another platform to compete with the largest social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, right?


Shoelace, Google’s another attempt in tying people together via their own program, offers a service that’s entirely refreshing compared to its competitors. First, users are expected to fill up their interests during the initial use of the application, which in return would benefit them by giving each of them recommended activities nearby with corresponding interests. Such activities are dubbed as “Loops”, and every one is responsible for their own Loops, as users can also view and RSVP to other people’s Loops.

Shoelace via

This concept bridges our real-world connection, implementing it to a new level of technology and digitalization in everyday life. Developed by Google’s private incubator—named Area 120, Shoelace was first introduced during its soft launch, merely weeks after the shutdown of Google+ which took place in April 2019. The experimental program is also opening beta testers to see how well it would go in the ever-growing technology market. However, it’s only available in New York as Google limits the users on its initial phase—all while developing the app further based on their feedback.

What do you think? Will Google pull through this time despite the public’s skepticism against their new platform?



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Written by Charis Chrisna

Writer, author, part-time fallacious wanderer, and an avid Hotline Miami lover.