
Morocco’s Media Tab Startup Set to Revolutionize Advertisement

Media Tab, Morocco, Idji Mounir, Réda Bachir El Bouhali, Vickers Venture Partner,

Two young Moroccan entrepreneurs Idji Mounir and Réda Bachir El Bouhali founded Media Tab in 2016. Media tab offers indoor digital advertisement in “closed” places. Therefore, the startup tries to “revolutionize” adverts. Since its formation, the startup has changed how people consume advertisements.

Recently, Media tab won against Vickers Venture Partner from Singapore. Idji Mounir said that they intend to raise between $5 million to $10 million. Initially, the founders raised $500,000.

The startup changes advert world by installing screens embedded on mirrors and place them above the washbasins. Moreover, the concepts use remote control in its operations. According to the new idea, the screens will just display content that the viewers want. The screens will also connect to mobile apps.

Moreover, entrepreneurs will take an opportunity and provide catchy content for their audience. Besides, Idji Mounir said that approximately 50 institutions in Casablanca, Agadir, Marrakech, and Rabat have implemented this concept.

Winzup, a free gift application will assist in connection. The startup has also partnered with various institutions in Morocco. The concept behind the new technology involves only displaying relevant content. For example, if one searches for vehicles, only content relevant to automobiles will appear.

Additionally, Idji Mounir said that they want to sell their idea globally especially North America. Moreover, they have established Las Vegas as a high-performance startup.

What do you think?

Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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