
MTN Announces the Winning Innovators for 2019 MTN Business IoT Solution of the Year Award

TechInAfrica – MTN has announced the winners of its 2019 MTN Businesses of IoT Solution of the Year Award. The overall winner of the Award is Informed Decisions, receiving a grand prize of R200,000 and a trip to Silicon Valley later this year.

The MTN Business of IoT Solution of the Year Award is an exciting event with the main focus on South African and its local companies. The winners of the Award have a key focus on the issues and opportunities they see around them which can also be spun into international solutions.

Informed Decisions not only won the overall winner of the Award but also won for the category of Best Industry 4.0 Solution Award. The startup uses hardware technology to enable IoT in a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals. In addition, it also provides a full of IoT tracking, monitoring, and analyzing solutions which all produced and designed in-house.

MTN Announces the Winning Innovators for 2019 MTN Business IoT Solution of the Year Award
MTN Announces the Winning Innovators for 2019 MTN Business IoT Solution of the Year Award via

The other winners of the 2019 MTN Business of IoT Solution of the Year Award are:

  • Best Enterprise Development Solution Award – MeMeZa Home Policing Alarm. It is the first public, all-in-one emergency system endorsed by SAPS. The app connects the police and communities which mainly are from low-income households having no access to the private security industry.
  • Best Commercial IT Solution Award – Discovery Vitality Drive Sensor. It is an app that uses vehicle telematics to track driving behavior accurately. It consists of a battery-operated sensor attached to the windscreen of a vehicle. The app interacts with Discovery’s smartphone driving application to measure as well as reward users’ driving behavior.
  • Innovative Hardware in IoT Award – NodeX IoT System. It allows users to regulate any electronic or mechanical system parameter wirelessly, including monitoring a reservoir level, movement of a vehicle, or turning on/off a pump. This way enables operators not to depend on third-party internet access as the users can regulate the system to their specifications and infrastructure needs.
  • Most Disruptive IoT Solution Award – earlyROM Mining Production System using Industrial IoT. It is an IoT solution deployed at Exxaro’s Belfast Coal Mine. It allows Exxaro to monitor machine performance, tempos, cycle times, and machine data of its mining fleet in real-time.


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Written by Rinchi

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