TechInAfrica – Songroute, music distribution service owned by Playfre, has announced that it now allows artists to distribute and promote their songs to radio stations and music blogs. This is the company’s effort to make more revenue after being reported to make more than US$6,900 in its first quarter of 2019.
Founder and CEO of Playfre Africa, Chika Nwaogu says, “Songroute that launched two new services which are mainly focused on helping artists drive sales on our platform. The first service allows our artists to send their songs to over 1,000 radio stations worldwide. We hope a great deal of them get playlisted and help them drive more sales. The second allows artists to send their songs to music blogs across Africa to get a feature. This will also their fans easily find them online and help them drive more sales.”

Soungroute is Playfre-owned digital music publishing platform focusing on distributing contents for emerging and major African acts. Playfre was launched in May this year and is available in five African countries and operations in Nigeria and Kenya. It offers users access to more than 50 million songs for free. A few months after launch, Playfre already has over 5,000 registered users and over 1,000,000 streams.
Songroute was launched in June 2019, aiming at assisting African artists and musicians to commercialize their contents on content streaming platforms like Playfre, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon, and Deezer, with zero cost charged to the artists. It distributes more than 300 tracks monthly as well as has worked with 821 artists across 23 African countries and have paid $3,467 of royalties.