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Precious Lunga, the CEO of Baobab Circle Uses AI and Mobile Device to Provide Healthcare Solutions in Africa

TechInAfrica – Baobab Circle is a health tech company that uses AI and mobile device to provide healthcare solutions on the continent. The Co-Founder and CEO of Baobab Circle, Precious Lunga was asked several questions regarding the company, including challenges, achievement, and advice.

Lunga admits that it is hard to build a business but she enjoys it, especially because she has a super-intelligent and committed team who help her developing the business. As an entrepreneur, she has plenty of ideas on her head yet she is impatient and wants to implement all the ideas immediately. But there’s a day she runs out of idea and fortunately, she has a diverse team that can help her with that.

Precious Lunga, the CEO of Baobab Circle Uses AI and Mobile Device to Provide Healthcare Solutions in Africa
Precious Lunga, the CEO of Baobab Circle Uses AI and Mobile Device to Provide Healthcare Solutions in Africa via

Lunga, as many other entrepreneurs would also agree that developing a business takes your time, mental, energy, as well focus. Some entrepreneurs might be able to run multiple businesses, but it didn’t work for Lunga. Rather, she is just focused on what she is doing and put her whole effort on it or all in.

When she is asked about a business opportunity she would still like to pursue, Lunga answers, “Africa is a continent of young people. Those young people need the best education to be competitive. Across the continent, the teacher shortage remains a chronic challenge – imagine if we could have a holographic teacher beamed across to inaccessible areas?

Quality education is truly key to Africa’s long-term sustainable development and technology can certainly help in this regard. However, it’s important to bear in mind that technology is not a panacea for Africa’s challenges, nor is it a one-size-fits-all solution,” says Lunga.

About Baobab Circle

Baobab Circle is a health tech company that provide tools and information about how to manage their health, especially diabetes and hypertension. It launches a mobile app, Afya Pap that uses AI and behavioral science to help users change their habits and improve health. Afya Pap can be downloaded on Google Play Store.

What do you think?

Written by Rinchi

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