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Report: Mobile traffic in Sub-Saharan Africa to grow 6.5 times by 2026


Sub-Saharan Africa mobile data traffic is expected to grow 6.5 times the current figures with traffic expected to rise from in 2020 by 0.87EB per month to 5.6EB by 2026. Meanwhile, the average smartphone traffic will peak at  8.9GB in the period forecasted. This data is sourced from the Ericsson Mobility Report.

As demand for capacity and coverage of cellular networks grows, service providers will continue investing in their networks to cater to this uptake and meet customer requirements. Across Sub-saharan Africa mobile usage will keep growing over the forecasted period as penetration hits 84% – still less than the global average.

In the period forecasted, Sub-Saharan Africa mobile broadband subscriptions will increase to 76% of total mobile subscribers. The driving factor behind the growth of mobile broadband subscriptions is the rising digitally savvy youthful populations that go for smartphones. In the forecasted period, 5G subscription volumes are expected to reach 5% in 2026.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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