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SA’s Thabo Moloi, Africa’s first esports athlete


Thabo Moloi, popularly known as “Yvng Savage” has had an incredible run in online gaming. The young South African is now Red Bull’s first esports athlete from the African continent.

16-year-old Moloi won his first accolades when he trounced his rivals at the  VS Gaming 2018 FIFA Festival. The win saw him clinch first place at the PS4 competition. This was surprising to the esports community given he had never participated in any professional sporting before.

He only had a close friend to help him train and polish his skills. When Moloi started beating the equally-talented gamer consistently, he gauged himself ready and signed up for the FIFA tournament. This was the beginning of his exciting journey into the world of gaming. He immediately earned a spot with South Africa’s e-gaming team, Goliath gaming.

In early 2020, Moloi and Goliath Gaming headed to the Middle East to take part in the FIFA eChampions League Qualifiers. The COVID-19 outbreak interrupted the event and Moloi was unable to showcase his talent.

In a sign of true sportsmanship and nurtured greatness, Moloi remains positive and looks forward to the launch of FIFA 21 in October.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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