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Sealed Off 3 Healthcare Innovation Trends for 2021

Photo by Shopify Partners from Burst

TechInAfrica – Most of 2020 has been damaged by the global pandemic, COVID-19. It brings a negative impact on the healthcare sector. To fight the challenges, some healthcare innovations should get serious attention in the upcoming years. 

Healthcare innovation is to develop new or even advanced healthcare policy, systems, products and technologies, and services and delivery methods that amend people’s health. It will happen by focusing on the demands of vulnerable populations, according to WHO Health Innovation Group (WHIG), a sister group of the World Health Organization (WHO) whose purpose is to support and engage health innovation within the organization. 

In November 2020, based on an article published by McKinsey & Company, it is said that to combat COVID-19, there are two essential key healthcare innovations to be considered. The first key is a special stethoscope created by Sheba Medical Centre in collaboration with TytoCare that is used in Israel. 

This special stethoscope was created to make sure that patients of COVID-19 get essential healthcare while they stay in their homes. The advanced feature involved in this device is that the stethoscope listens to the patients’ hearts and presents images of their lungs to a care team that can come to their aid at any given time.

The second innovation in the healthcare sector is in the United States of America. The country has Zipline, a drone delivery company that brings medical supplies to remote areas. It has worked together with Novant Health in North Carolina, where drones are used to distribute supplies to hospitals. 

The third innovation to combat COVID-19 is coming from South Africa. In the healthcare sector, the country creates One Eight Innovation’s ActiGraft, a treatment that heals chronic wounds by using patients’ blood.

The improved innovations, mainly in the healthcare sector, need healthcare practitioners to be the forerunner of a more effective, resourceful, and fair healthcare system.



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Written by Nabilah Safira

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