
Seedstars Announces 8 Start-Up Finalists To Win US$1 Million Investment

TechInAfrica –  Seedstarts Summit, a start-up competition, has just announced 8 Kenyan start-up finalists to compete at the final event in Nairobi. They have a chance to win up to US$1 million investment. These start-ups are from African countries including Egypt, Ghana, Libya, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The event takes place on September 21, 2018, and in collaboration with Nailab to host the competition.


The eight selected start-ups including:

  1. Angaza Elimu, an ed-tech platform
  2. Bitshamba, an agri-tech start-up
  3. Bluewave, an insurtech solution start-up
  4. earth, a blockchain-based ID service
  5. Lily Health, a health chatting app
  6. PataGrao, a sports facility booking app
  7. Paybobby, a back office automation platform
  8. Optimetriks, a sales force automation platform

The eight finalists will be examined by judges including the CEO of Africa’s Talking; Samuel Gikandi, the co-founder of Umtati Capital; Munyutu Waigi, the Investment Principal of Omidyar Network; Teresa Mbagaya, and the associate of Seedstars in East Africa; Maryam Mgonja.

The Grand Prize Winner of Seedstars competition will receive an all-inclusive trip to Switzerland in April 2019. Not only will they get a chance to win the trip to Switzerland, but they will also have an opportunity to win an investment of US$1 million as well as many other prizes.

As a response to the 2018 Seedstars Summit, the Head of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement at NaiLab said that they feel excited about the competition to witness the winner. The event aims to acknowledge high potential entrepreneurs and have these start-up innovators to work together in the sector. Moreover, Seedstars has done a lot to help and supports the growth of entrepreneurship through this event.

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Written by Rinchi

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