
Seedstars Diversify their Operations Apart from Pitching Competition

During the Seedstars Africa regional summit held on 14th December 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique, it had the representation of around 25 different countries discussing for more than ten hours. Seedstars is an investment organization that focuses on three main pillars; to invest, promote and to connect. However, their main objective is an investment. According to the Swiss organization’s regional manager for Africa Claudia Makadristo, the company is not only meant for pitching competition.

The competition only serves as a moving platform to search for the entrepreneurs in a fast and more efficient way. The event has been operational for five years now. There were a large number of applicants during the Seedstars each year tour of Africa. However, the company opted to pick entrepreneurs with a good idea of investments for the company. Some participants are exposed via the media.

Makadristo said that during her discussion with Kasha founder Joanna Bischel, the organization’s winner from Rwanda last year who made it to the global stage the company has done great in exposing the entrepreneurs. The company has done a lot of positive things behind the scenes that don’t necessarily require media coverage. The company serves a variety of entrepreneurship stages.

The programs that they offer are high leveled and selective at the same time giving them an edge over the others. As much as the company is looking at make entrepreneurs successful, they also want to rip benefit from the activity. The main aim of the organization’s list is education. The platform is currently working on the Transforming Education In Cocoa Communities (TRECC) initiative in the Ivory Coast.

Seedstars always offers millions to improve education in Ivory Cost annually. The organization not only focuses on Ivory Cost but also takes innovative ideas from other countries only if seen to be fruitful. Seedstars in partnership with French University HEG, they have been able to raise $50, 000 and support program that will last for three months for edtech entrepreneurs.

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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