TechInAfrica – SoftwareONE, the global software and cloud portfolio management company, launched Unified Communication (UC) managed service—UCSimple, in South Africa just a few days ago. The launching of the service aims at encouraging the acceleration of digital transformation strategies and allows companies to boost partnership, engagement, and productivity within the workforce.
The International Data Group (IDG) predicted that there will be around 72.3% of employees work remotely by 2020. Most of the employees chose flexible works as their top priority while IT infrastructural developers that enable the ease of communication and collaboration stood at the second place. Unfortunately, the old UC tools are unable to meet the needs so that organizations have difficulty to encourage their dispersed workforce while at the same time have to maintain control and visibility.

UCSimple tries to tackle these challenges by facilitating organizations with the optimal planning, implementation, as well as management of their communication and collaboration needs. Moreover, UCSimple enables customers to have a flexible and transparent billing cycle and get access to SoftwareONE’s UC experts.
Sean Nicholson, Global Director, Technology Services at SoftwareONE, remarked, “At SoftwareONE, our goal is to help each individual, team, group, and department improve their efficiency by enabling them to communicate and collaborate as effectively as possible.”
He highlighted, “We help establish a future workplace strategy to meet the new business needs, transforming the way in which people work. To enable this outcome for our customers, we have designed our new UC offering, UCSimple.”

Markus P. Keller, Global UC Division Leader at SoftwareONE, commented, “Modern companies are breaking new ground in terms of communication and collaboration for their workforce. Until recently, email and desktop phones were the best ways to communicate with each other. However, unified communications continue to influence the way we communicate with colleagues and how we work together in a global context.”
“For most of our customers, it is not just about finding a suitable UC solution and integrating it into their own company, but also ensuring a smooth communication process. With UCSimple, we help our customers to design a workplace of the future according to their own requirements,” he said
UCSimple was not only launched in South Africa, but also in the UK and Ireland, followed the successful rollout of the service in other countries, such as Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the United States in 2018. It is also planning to launch the service to new markets, including in Brazil and Singapore.