
StarTimes Supports Africa’s Agricultural Transformation through Its Media Platform


TechInAfrica – The Pay Television Company, StarTimes Media has announced that it will support Africa’s agricultural development through its digital media platform. It will create access to specialized digital local content served for rural areas in Africa.

According to StarTimes‘ Vice General Manager for overseas business, Zhang Junqi during the 10th edition of the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), digitalization is still very limited due to the unsupportive infrastructure that led to lack of information communication resources in Africa.

the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2019 Held in Accra, Ghana
the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2019 Held in Accra, Ghana via

“We aim to make it our social obligation to make our broadcast available platforms for relevant educational content targeted at the rural population. At StarTimes, we begin broadcasting content related to agriculture from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and other related resources localized in each country and broadcast to local dialects,” said Zhang speaking at the AGRF.

AGRF is the leading forum in the world for African agriculture. The event brings together stakeholders in the agricultural sector to share and exchange ideas, as well as develop programs, investments, and policies to drive an inclusive and sustainable agricultural transformation around the world.

The event was held in Accra, Ghana and attended by over 2,300 delegates. This year’s theme was Grow Digital: Leveraging digital transformation to drive food systems in Africa. Africa’s thought leaders shared their experience in agricultural development in the digital era as well as the contribution to the goals of the Malabo Declaration and the Sustainable Development Goals.

StarTimes Supports Africa’s Agricultural Transformation through Its Media Platform
StarTimes Supports Africa’s Agricultural Transformation through Its Media Platform via

AGRF connects leaders and stakeholders with one common goal to discover the full potential of Africa’s smallholder farmers and agripreneurs supplying up to 80% of food products and agriculture on the continent, as well as took part in millions of job creation and drove the economic growth.

StarTimes will contribute to providing access to Satellite Television for its 10,000 African Villages project. It is part of its effort to boost collaboration between China and Africa by enabling access to television services for rural communities. The project is expected to complete by the end of 2019 with a total of 10,112 villages connected to satellite television.



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Written by Rinchi

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