#Epson Entrepreneur will be announced on 23rd March 2018. The #Epson Entrepreneur campaign in South Africa is geared towards supporting upcoming entrepreneurs. The initiative is launched by Epson which is a worldwide innovator in visual technologies and printing activities. The nomination requires entrepreneurs to submit 3-minutes elevator video or 300 words written enterprise elevator pitch to Epson South Africa Facebook Page.
Besides, Epson in partnership with Heavy Chef aims at disseminating local entrepreneurs successful stories to the new nominees.
The core mandate of Heavy Chef initiative is to organize workshops, tours, and events for local entrepreneurs to sharpen their personalities. The future events are scheduled to take place in Cape Town and Joburg on 27th and 28th February 2018 respectively.
According to consumer sales manager at Epson Timothy Thomas, South Africa economy is sustained heavily by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The Epson program recognizes the impact of (SMEs) and works towards supporting and encouraging entrepreneur’s ideas into real business.
The latest 2016-2017 report by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) South Africa report, 37.9% of local entrepreneurs can run own businesses. Epson initiative, therefore, helps in exploiting this great potential by encouraging all entrepreneurs to submit their interests for consideration.