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Sureswipe Acquires 50.1% of Humble Till Company

TechInAfrica – The 50.1% of Humble Till is now owned by Sureswipe, a South African Fintech company first established in 2008. Sureswipe is attempting to widen its offering to SMEs by providing an affordable solution—in-store card payments.

Sureswipe Acquires 50.1% of Humble Till
Sureswipe Acquires 50.1% of Humble Till via

The Managing Director of Sureswipe, Paul Kent explained, “Humble Till is South Africa’s most advanced cloud-based Point of Sales system that works on a variety of platforms like Apple’s iOS, Android and the web, which makes it easy and affordable for SMEs. When Humble Till started out they looked at the complete Point of Sale ecosystem and developed a solution that simplified the traditional till system by removing the pain points.”

Kent went on his explanation, “The convenience of easy payments using the Humble Till app was a natural fit to Sureswipe’s ethos of making card acceptance payments hassle-free for all independent retailers in SA.

Sureswipe and Humble Till are both South African companies that have been servicing the SME sector for around two decades. We share a client focus on independent retailers and a business focus on helping them run and manage their stores better,” he added.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Humble Till, Christian Mienie added what Kent has explained, “We wanted to build a Point of sale app that is as easy to set up as it is to use, and doesn’t need an ‘IT guy’ to get it going. And this is what we accomplished. The ease of our offering has also allowed us to pass cost savings onto our customers. Independent retailers have access to the technology from anywhere on any device and access retail analytics and insights on what is happening in their business at any one time.

“We are excited to be part of the Sureswipe organization as the synergies between our businesses were compelling and going forward, we will be exploring new innovations to streamline the way that small enterprises run their operations in order to scale and grow. What is exciting is that we are both agile enterprises that can respond quickly to consumer demands and the fast pace of change in this environment,” Miene concluded.

What do you think?

Written by Rinchi

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