in Blockchain, Innovation, Investments, News, TECHNOLOGY Understanding Cryptocurrency Regulations in Namibia
in Blockchain, Investments, Investors, News, TECHNOLOGY Legal Status of Cryptocurrency Payments in Namibia
in Career, Criterias, Entrepreneurs, Events, Innovation, Investors, News, Opportunities, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, TECHNOLOGY, Technology Fifteen African startups advanced to the next phase of the UCT GSB e-Track programme
in design, Innovation, Investors, News, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, Technology, TECHNOLOGY Google’s Equiano Cable is now officially linked to South Africa by Openserve
in Entrepreneurs, Events, Financing, Funding, In The Hub, Investments, Investors, News, Opportunities, Press Releases, Press-releases, Skills, Startups, Technology, TECHNOLOGY, Write Article Registration for African girls camp in Namibia closes today
in Career, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Founders, Innovation, Investments, Investors, News, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, TECHNOLOGY, Technology Digital Realty buys the majority of Teraco’s shares
in Business, design, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Funding, Innovation, Investments, Investors, Marketing, News, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, TECHNOLOGY, Technology Paratus Namibia announced the launch of the country’s first carrier-neutral data center.
in Blockchain, Career, design, Entrepreneurs, Founders, Innovation, Investments, Investors, News, Opportunities, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, TECHNOLOGY, Technology Namibia launches Crypto kiosk it’s first Bitcoin Atm
in Blockchain, Career, Crowd-Funding, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Founders, Funding, Innovation, Investments, Investors, Meet the Founders, Networking, News, Opportunities, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, Technology Ghana plan to test its digital currency, e-cedi
in Business, Career, Career, Crowd-Funding, design, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Funding, Innovation, Investors, News, Opportunities, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, Technology, TECHNOLOGY MTek a Kenyan insurtech firm raises $ 3million
in Business, Ecommerce, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Founders, Funding, Innovation, Investors, Mobile, News, Press Releases, Press-releases, Startups, TECHNOLOGY, Technology The Namibian E-commerce startup Jabu has raised $15 million in a Series A funding round