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Technology Gives Farming a New Face

TechInAfrica – Are you passionate about agribusiness but you can’t practically involve yourself in farming? Those who don’t involve themselves fully in agriculture tend to lose hope since their farms don’t give them the expected yield. The fact that only small groups of people are actively involved in farming leads to shortage or low supply of farm commodities. Most of the African countries rely on agriculture as the backbone to the growth of the economy. An invented technology gives you a better chance of farming without practically involving yourself.

Farmcrowdy is an agri-tech startup that was invented in Nigeria. The technology is meant for fishing sponsors for the small-scale farmers with the aim of expanding food production and generating profit for both parties. The platform gives Nigerians a chance for fame without necessarily getting into the farm. The sponsors are given a chance to choose a farm and provide it with the necessary farm inputs. Sponsors give out the money which is used to locate land, plant crops and take care of the crops till the harvesting period.

Their website was launched on 15th November 2017, and it has registered around 1000 different farm sponsors. The sponsors have been able to acquire 4000 acres of farming land in Nigeria, and they have reared more than 150000 local chickens. The platform gives people a chance to have agricultural experience, learn and accept the farming practices. The website provides updates, images, and videos from the farmers as they work on the farm. It gives the sponsors an opportunity and other interested parties to track the journey of their farms.

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Written by Kevin Nyango

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