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TFGLabs Will Catalyze Omnichannel Element in TFG

credit: TFG (HelloYouth)

TechInAfrica – The launch of TFGLabs, marks the leading SA fashion retailer The Foschini Group (TFG) attempt on becoming the continent’s leading omnichannel retailer.

“We are laying the foundations to become the largest, most reliable and most profitable e-commerce destination on the continent; via a simplified, customer-centric approach, aimed at maximizing group scale, minimizing duplication and cost, and leveraging our incredible assets,” newly appointed Co-Chief Omni Officer Claude Hanan explains the company’s outlined strategy on the 2021 financial year-end presentation.

“A few things separate us from pureplay and bricks competitors – our catalog of in-house and third-party brands, local manufacturing with quick response capability, our vast store network putting us closer to customers and a credit and value-added services capability with strong customer retention rates.”

“We have built customer relationships that span decades via the work of our talented store teams who provide a world-class shopping experience. We won’t lose this – the future of retail is Omni,” Hanan concluded.


What do you think?

Written by Nabilah Safira

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