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The application window for the Space-Tech Innovation Challenge 2020 now open


Innovators across Africa are invited to share their Space-Tech ideas. Early-stage innovators, entrepreneurs, and new innovators with disruptive ideas are encouraged to send in their applications for the SpaceTech Innovation Challenge 2020.

The programme hopes to attract the top innovators across the continent. The challenge will narrow down to downstream tech applications in insurance, agriculture, sustainability, retail, and conservation.

Space technology involves the use of remote-sensing applications and tools to carry out earth observations. The demand for the adoption of such technologies has risen drastically driving down costs and creating sustainability. Space tech is now at a point where practically most businesses use it without knowing.

Adoption of space tech in Africa

Africa is witnessing a strong surge in the growth of space technologies. However, its main uses remain under-utilized. Many innovators are fixated on coming with solutions to solve this problem. The African Union views earth observation as a fundamental resource that must be leveraged to achieve pertinent development goals. This has prompted the rise of initiatives such as the open innovation challenge.

Benefits to participants

The top 10 startups that take part in the challenge will get an opportunity to address a global audience at the GEO Week. There will be a well-represented media presence (including social media) by ZASpace and partners. In addition, a one-month business-development support package by the  Research Institute for Innovation & Sustainability. Finalists who make it to the final pitching den get satellite imagery from Maxar’s archive worth $75,250. More benefits are detailed at

To take part, at least one of the participants must be of African origin. You first download the SPACE-TECH CHALLENGE SUBMISSION FORM the registration forms, then complete your registration here.

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Written by Tech in Africa

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