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Today is a Good Time to be an Entrepreneur

TechInAfrica- There is a constant constant for small business owners and entrepreneurs: the continued need to adapt to the changing technological and societal landscape. This need to evolve and act quickly can be challenging, but we have found that entrepreneurs are optimistic about these new opportunities and confident in their ability to grow their business. This is a good time to be an entrepreneur, and the data shows it.

Entrepreneurs are increasingly confident about the growth of their business

The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index reveals that small business optimism is at historic highs, a survey shows that 70% of American entrepreneurs expect to grow by at least 25% over the next three to five years. In addition, the millennia, in particular, are even more confident in the growth of their company. They are almost twice as likely as baby boomers to expect growth of 50% over the next three to five years due to an increasing reliance on technology, changing brand/customer relationships and increased resources available to small business owners.

Entrepreneurs with a digital presence were also much more confident. Seventy-nine percent of entrepreneurs with a website for their business expect to grow by at least 25% over the next three to five years, compared to 64% of others.

Entrepreneurs who own a website are probably more optimistic about the growth of their business because a strong digital presence gives them the confidence that they can be visible online and attract new customers in today’s competitive marketplace.

Localization no longer matters with the rise of the digital nomad

Research revealed that flexibility is the most compelling advantage of being an entrepreneur, ranking five times higher than the potential to earn more money.

Mobile technology, website creation, online marketing tools and social media continue to shape the future of work by allowing entrepreneurs to work from anywhere. From lively cafés to elegant workspaces, entrepreneurs are defining what the traditional office might look like. As digital nomads become more and more common, many believe that younger generations are more likely to work remotely.

Managing an online presence has never been easier

Your online presence has a very broad reach, and once successfully built, it can spread your brand awareness and win you fans, followers, prospects, customers, and whatever else you might ever want for your business.

For most small businesses and entrepreneurs, creating a solid platform begins with your website (your home site). Your website is your hub: a centralized place where people can go to learn more about what you have to offer, contact you, interact with your content and engage with it. For business owners who are not technologically savvy and looking for an easy way to integrate an online presence for their business, use GoDaddy’s tools to find the perfect domain name, build your website and add options that match your business objectives, such as an online store.

Ultimately, as the world becomes more and more digital, you don’t need to be a professional graphic designer or coder to expand your online presence, and that’s great news for entrepreneurs.

What will be like being an entrepreneur few years from now?

Although results vary from generation to generation, gender and place to place, technology has always been the underlying factor that has helped, not hindered, these entrepreneurs.

With increased confidence in the company’s growth, the ability to establish a successful online presence with a broad customer base and the power to enable a more flexible work environment, the ability to use technology can help transform the way entrepreneurs do business in the future.

Although the only constant is change, entrepreneurs can be optimistic about this change and the inevitable opportunities that come with it.

Source: StartupNation

What do you think?

Written by Chloe Andries

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