
UNCDF Boosting financial inclusion and job creation across Ghana with an innovation challenge


UNCDF is bringing its expertise in the promotion of financial inclusion and inclusive digital economies. The new programme hopes to support job creation under the theme of “Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise Opportunities in Ghana (GrEEn)” and is fully funded by the European Union Trust Fund for Africa that addresses the root causes of illegal migration. The focus will shift towards addressing root causes of irregular migration via green and climate-resilient local economic development. The idea is to create employment and economic opportunities in Ashanti and other Western Ghanian regions.

To achieve GrEEn’s objectives UNCDF is organizing under the theme of “Innovation Challenge: Boosting Financial Inclusion and Job Creation in Ashanti and Western Regions of Ghana.”

Under GrEEn, UNCDF will work hand-in-hand with local partners and stakeholders in the development of innovative use cases, business models, and products that allow easy access and use cases products and business models to facilitate the use of financial services for over 70,000 beneficiaries; particularly the youth, women, MSMEs and returning migrants.

You can find out more here

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